Ashampoo uninstaller vs revo uninstaller
Ashampoo uninstaller vs revo uninstaller

ashampoo uninstaller vs revo uninstaller ashampoo uninstaller vs revo uninstaller

When testing IObit Uninstaller, I installed all these applications, except Panda Internet Security 2012, using Ninite (a solution which automates the installation of some of the most used applications) to speed up the installation process. I also created a manual desktop shortcut for Panda Internet Security 2012, to see if it would be removed. I evaluated how well uninstallers work by asking them to remove the following applications: Firefox, Skype, Google Chrome, Panda Internet Security 2012, Adobe Reader X and LibreOffice. Revo Uninstaller Pro is a good third alternative as it can use both approaches. IObit Uninstaller uses only the first approach to remove software, while Ashampoo Uninstaller uses only the second approach. We received requests from our readers wanting to know more about these solutions and how good (or not) they are.They are representative of the two approaches that can be taken to remove software from a system.

ashampoo uninstaller vs revo uninstaller

They are some of the most popular solutions in this niche.I chose to test IObit Uninstaller (version 2.0), Ashampoo Uninstaller (version 4.2) and Revo Uninstaller Pro (version 2.5.5) for three reasons: Monitor the installation of a program, make a log of the files, folders and registry keys it created and, when uninstalling it, remove everything based on this initial snapshot.First run the original uninstaller of a program, scan the locations commonly used by applications to store files and registry settings for items that were not removed and delete them.There are two main approaches that can be taken by a software product that deals with uninstalling other software: The Approaches to Uninstalling Software.

Ashampoo uninstaller vs revo uninstaller